Tag: consulting

A Framework for Career Acceleration

Without a framework, goal setting can often be a ponderous process. Vague thoughts of desired achievements, possibly unconnected and perhaps rushed as internal deadlines loom. In this article I propose a visual framework to set goals, whilst relating this to the learning “S-Curve” proposed by Juan Méndez and Whitney Johnson. In my opinion, relating these two frameworks together produce a powerful tool for accelerated career progression.

Improving customer acquisition rates and retention in subscription-based business models; the importance of Net Promoter Score

It is of little surprise that business models have become more subscription based. Companies benefit from a recurring revenue stream and greater revenue predictability. Consumers pay for time-bound access to goods and services, avoiding large capital expenditure when compared with buying the same access outright. However, as subscriptions become the dominant model, high customer loyalty and net promoter scores are needed to ensure consistent business growth. Given that customers are paying for access rather than ownership, it is easier to switch to competitive products at the end of contract terms. Crucially, this could be before customer lifetime value (LTV) has balanced customer acquisition costs, therefore yielding a negative gross customer margin.