Category: ERP Software

Software Is not a Sticking Plaster for Process Issues; Are you Ready for the Change Management a new ERP can Bring?

Many companies rightly identify the need to acquire new ERP systems. There are many drivers for change, but common themes are always evident. For example, standardising cross departmental processes or increasing visibility into the organisation, often across multiple legal entities. Yet in my experience of dealing with many businesses across Europe on a weekly basis, it is alarming how many...

The Importance of Investing in Technology for Operationally Geared Businesses

Market and industry awareness coupled with experience is invaluable in operationally geared businesses; especially those that are subject to cyclical or seasonal revenue flows. Whilst this will give a good insight into external factors, data and the quantification of performance or trends remains the nadir of prudent decision making. The time delay between calendar month end and senior management receiving reliable performance data is an uncomfortably common scenario. Compound this with an operationally geared business and the data, and decisions made as a result, might seriously lag the actual performance of the organisation. Risk in this scenario is exacerbated where profits are under pressure due to high operational gearing.

ERP – ‘Jack of All Trades, Master of None?’ How to Save Time and Avoid Unrealistic Expectations when Selecting ERP Systems

Abstract: On a weekly basis I meet with businesses looking to purchase ERP software, many of whom are looking to consolidate a fragmented system landscape. Software constraints aside, many rightly identify the ‘nirvana’ of having a single system to manage all processes. However, I see many businesses, often the smaller and medium enterprises, having unrealistic expectations of their requirements. As...

International businesses need global visibility with local compliance… but at what cost?

According to the Ethnologue Catalogue there are 7097 living languages across 195 countries. Business today is unquestionably global, both for businesses with international offices, but equally for domestic businesses selling overseas. Statutory requirements and cultural preference vary widely from nation to nation, presenting a complex landscape not only for the practice of conducting business, but also for global software systems. On a weekly...